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Writer's pictureJoy Of Tantra®

How Tantric transformation help with male sexual deficiencies?

When you enter the tantric consciousness your vision towards your body, your world and towards life changes completely. What was previously dark and gloomy, taboo, fear and deficiency, becomes light and manifests itself transforming your heart and your perception. The objective of the tantric practices is the illumination of the conscience and for this it is supported by special techniques that lead to this awakening from the physical senses. Sexual activity is taken as Sadhana, the spiritual practice that gives the opportunity to enlightenment. Like everything in nature, changes occur gradually and not suddenly, step by step, purifying the body, making it flexible and strong, feeding it with energy. (prana), through breathing exercises (pranayamas) and physical postures (asanas), we will clean the nadis (the energy body meridians) purifying both emotions and thoughts and as a physical body of all darkness and disease.

Male sexual deficiencies can be solved through tantric practices, such as premature ejaculation that many men do not approach with hope. It can have a huge impact on intimacy and lead to feelings of frustration, shame, and mistrust. But the good news is that nowadays more men are facing this condition with courage and seeking support in tantric sessions at Joy of Tantra.

The underlying causes of premature ejaculation must first be diagnosed using a somatic body based approach, combined with consultation and training.

Tantra therapy as a resolving tool for this sexual deficiency is a new professional approach and is gaining more popularity in successfully treating it.

What are the reasons for ejaculating prematurely?

Purely physical as well as psychological causes can intervene. Physical stress and pelvic floor tension, sleeping buttocks syndrome due to a sedentary life and among other causes can lead a man to ejaculate earlier than he would like. But psychological and emotional stress, anxiety and fears on the one hand and psychological pressures in relationships as well as past traumas also play their important role.

7 Solutions from Joy Of Tantra through a Tantric Healing Therapy session for Premature Ejaculation

1. Professional consultation through an open, affectionate and non-judgmental talk.

We start the session with an informative talk in a confidential, professional and caring space to diagnose the root of the problem. This previous talk is key to the next steps and also to ask for the consent and the limits to be carried out later in practice and body work.

2. Specific Tantric Breathing to control ejaculation

Correct breathing is the solution to most mental and physical deficiencies. Whoever learns to breathe correctly and have the key opens a door for him to gain absolute power over his body and mind. Breathing is the foundation and learning tantric breathing techniques can be the key. During the session, the practitioner will open the main energy channels throughout the body that are related to the flow of vital energy. This creates a path for the sexual energy to move freely through the body, without stagnating in the genital area and therefore experiencing the sensation of orgasm throughout the body. In this way the practitioner experiences a relief of sexual tension in the genitals without the need to ejaculate. Clients learn to manage this energy themselves using different breathing techniques and pelvic floor control. These authentic tantric practices are also wonderful for long-term health, vitality and enjoyment!

3. Exercises focused on the pelvic floor

Tightness in the pelvic floor muscles is often a major cause of PD, due to playing sports, a sedentary lifestyle, or trauma to the pelvic area. Tantric therapy practitioners use specialized techniques to release pelvic floor tension. Most other holistic therapies completely avoid this area of the body.

4. Help release unprocessed emotions and traumas that affect the body. Re-programming of the mind.

In real time when we are participating in the session in a practical way we can observe the negative thought patterns that arise during the key moments of intimacy. It is possible to re-program these negative chains of thoughts and self-criticism, often involuntary, through this somatic approach. Release trauma and emotional stress. There are many factors that are protagonists to ejaculate quickly and none must be ruled out, physical factors such as pelvic surgery and disease, and psychological factors such as memories and traumas of physical and sexual abuse as well as a closed and oppressed cultural upbringing around sexuality.

5. Improve lymphatic flow and blood circulation throughout the body in addition to Prostate therapeutic treatment through massage

In the treatment of Premature Ejaculation, it is vitally important to remove tension and stress from the body and to create healthy blood circulation and lymphatic flow to and from the genitals and in the pelvic area itself. In this tantric session the whole body is worked, including the genital area through tantric techniques applied in lingam

A stressful lifestyle can create physical tension in and around the prostate gland, which in turn creates pressure to ejaculate quickly. This internal massage is a gentle treatment that normally lasts around a few minutes in a consensual manner and communicating in the practitioner while it is carried out. Most of the time it is a new experience that can cause some concern but in the hands of Joy Of Tantra professionals it can be not only healing but can also help men to maintain a healthy prostate gland.

6. Tantra for a couple is healing and favors the tantric practice of ejaculation control and benefits intimate relationships

Tantric practitioners offer a lot of guidance to couples so that they can talk openly about their physical condition and with useful and practical suggestions turn the couple into a beneficial alliance in the sanction and cure of premature ejaculation.

7. Tantra therapy motivates you to reconnect with your body and your sexuality and improves your physical condition

Modern life is often sedentary and computer-based, often disconnected from our physical bodies, including our sexuality and genitalia. This is a common reason why many men find it difficult to control their erection and ejaculation. Tantric bodywork therapy helps clients return from the busy mental world to a deep connection with their physical body and sexuality.

We would also like to share these important points:

We encourage you to continue with the tantric practices and we hope that soon we will be able to offer online training sessions as follow-up and support with pelvic floor exercises. We are aware and from our own experiences with clients that this is a good way for men to be fully in control of their erection and it all requires patience, practice and a constructive process and maintenance so that it lasts over time.

We would also like to emphasize that authentic tantric body therapy sessions usually last 3-4 hours minimum. The process of trust and the assimilation of the information and its integration into the body in the practical session requires time and they would lie to you if they give you false hope that in a session of one hour you would obtain optimal results.

We recommend working with professionals who work within an ethical code of practice, are trauma-informed, and have a good focus on health and safety.

If there are some medical conditions that cause PD, consult your GP. When it comes to our health, everything else doesn't matter, so don't ignore it, and away with feelings of shame. It is important to get a medical checkup if you have any ongoing pelvic symptoms.



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